Steven Franz

Steven Franz apprenticed at EarthDance in 2015 and is now helping manage the orchard. After the apprenticeship, he left Missouri for a deep dive into rural, regenerative agriculture at a tree nursery in New Mexico. Here, immersive farmsteading paired with classes in Holistic Management solidified the decision to continue learning how to be a better soil steward and aquaphile. An independent master generalist, Steven is learning how to ask for help and receive support. His deepest hopes lie in being an active creator of local solutions involving land management and human collaboration; specifically in the way of responding to climate change challenges.

Steven says, “My birthplace, Missouri, holds my heart; the streams, birds, forests, bluffs, prairies, caves…we are rich beyond words here. EarthDance is where I learned how impactful and widespread agriculture is in our world. Walking around the farm, I am amazed by how much good is possible when growth and connection are shared by people with complementary abilities.”