July 1st—Save the Veggies! Organic Pest and Disease Management
This classroom session will address the fundamentals of a whole-system approach to pest and disease management, from preventative measures to organic approved pesticides to encouraging beneficial insects.
July 8th—Pest and Disease Management at EarthDance Farm
This on-farm class will offer students the opportunity to view techniques of pest and disease management at work. Farmer Josh Mueller will lead a field walk to point out products like row cover and kaolin clay in use.
July 15th—Natural Allies: Beneficial Insects and Native Pollinators
Don’t know a carpenter bee from a parasitic wasp? How ’bout mantids, lady beetles and sweat bees? Find out the scoop on your crops’ natural allies at this class, led by Lincoln University Agricultural Extension Agent Ananstasia Becker, and Ed Spivak, invertebrate expert from the St. Louis Zoo. Spivak and Becker will provide farmers and gardeners with information on recognizing and encouraging beneficial insects in your landscape.
July 22nd—A Visit to Bellews Creek Farm
Paul Krautmann’s organic popcorn, chipotle peppers, black beans and sweet potatoes are legendary! Krautmann has grown food organically for 21 years at Bellews Creek Farm in Hillsboro, MO. He is highly knowledgeable about farm machinery, which he often fabricates himself. He also has a deep and poetic appreciation for the wildlife that contributes to an effective organic farm. Finally, Paul is a master of the bad pun! Join EarthDance for a trip to visit Paul Krautmann and tour Bellews Creek.
Register for all upcoming classes here!