EarthDance was recently awarded a $25,000 grant from the J.R. Albert Foundation, whose focus is to promote healthy living and wellness in order to prevent the growing prevalence of obesity-related diseases and the subsequent reduced quality of life. At EarthDance, we believe that health begins in the soil, and that it is only through learning and understanding how the food we ingest affects our bodies that the road to health can begin.In May, the President/CEO of the J.R. Albert Foundation, Trish Robb, visited EarthDance and saw first-hand the efforts being made on the Mueller Farm to transform attitudes, beliefs, and knowledge regarding sustainable agriculture and its affects on the health of human bodies and the planet. We are so grateful that they, and many others, believe in what we are accomplishing and are choosing to invest in programs that empower St. Louis area residents to pursue healthy and sustainable lifestyles.
Thank you to the J.R. Albert Foundation! We are honored by your support in our mission to sustainably grow food, farmers, and community for the St. Louis region!