Page Pardo

Page Pardo, affectionately known to fellow apprentices as “Farm Barbie,” practiced law for a decade before deciding she needed a change. Pardo enrolled in the apprenticeship in 2015 and grew her dream into a small egg & dairy farm in less than a year after graduation. An animal lover to say the least, her farm has inhabitants like special needs hens (with hand-crafted wheelchairs), dairy cows with stalls donned with their baby photos, and plenty of other rescued animals. Page found land to start her farm, Barnival, via a connection she made through EarthDance. Pardo now has nearly 100 chickens, a flock of ducks, 2 dairy cows, guard llamas, bees, and is growing produce. She has built hoop houses, chicken coops, and implemented many other practices she learned in the Farm and Garden Apprenticeship Program.  Page says, “Now my relatively small property and hundred animals bring so much joy to me, and hopefully to many. As my farm is about to open to visitors, I can’t wait to spread the word about how others can do it, too.” Find out more about Page, her magnificent menagerie, and her wondrously quirky approach to animal husbandry at