Find us with farm fresh organic produce every week at the Pay What You Can Farm Stand and Ferguson Farmers Market!



EarthDance provides beyond-the-basics education and hands-on training to meet the needs of budding gardeners, beginning farmers, youth, and “agri-curious” community members.

Ready to dig in?


Our farm is a place to get rooted . . . and branch out. EarthDance grows relationships based on the unifying power of sharing hard work, good food, and appreciation for the land.

Get connected!


EarthDance grows Certified Organic vegetables, fruit, herbs, and flowers. We know that food grown in living soil, by caring hands, is unbeatable.

Where to find it!

Rooted in Ferguson

Why an Organic Farm School?

Understanding our food and its sources has become increasingly important to the health of humans and our environment. Growing organic food is a necessary response to protecting our communities and the earth. Teaching people how to grow organic produce empowers them to pursue healthier lives. Involving children of all ages in farming teaches them earth stewardship, healthy habits, and a curiosity for the natural world. Inspiring regenerative changes in the food system is what EarthDance strives to do. We see the need for–and the promise of–EarthDance in the numbers below.


The Rodale Institute's 30-year Farming Systems Trial of organic and conventional production systems shows that organic matches conventional yields and outperforms conventional in years of drought by 31%.


That's the average age of an American farmer—17 years older than the average American worker.

30 million

The estimated market for local foods in the St. Louis area.


The percentage of EarthDance Apprentices that go on to work or volunteer in sustainable agriculture.

We believe..

... in seeding the change we seek every day. We envision organic farmers feeding their communities, communities caring for the land, and farms inspiring creativity.

Planting for a better tomorrow

Support EarthDance