Winter Note From the Founder


A poem for you

Winter. Solstice. (or, The Longest Night of the Year.)

Long periods of darkness have begun to see a great light

Longer days, awakening slowly to the still-so-far-away spring

Longing for warmth, for comfort food, for the nearness of loved ones

Longest nights of the year for those without shelter or a warm meal

Longing for a fair share, a piece of the pie

Longer days ahead, knowing not what the future may hold

Long periods of rest and energy inward help to grow the sweetest fruit

How do we want to end our 2016?

It has been a year…

We give thanks for the lessons this year has brought us.

We understand that stories about the future do not change what is real today.

One could ask oneself,

“What power, what resources, what motivation do I have to make a difference in the lives of others?

What can I do -TODAY, RIGHT NOW- to ensure that the world is more the kind of place I want to live in, and that others are able to live in?”

Is it giving your time to a cause?

Is it building your skills to be more resilient and able to nourish others?

Is it donating some useful item?

Is it sharing your wealth with an organization growing healthy change?

As we reflect upon 2016, we see that

  • 28 beginning farmers were trained in sustainable, organic farming techniques from seed to market (through the Farm & Garden Apprenticeship)
  • 8 Ferguson area youth learned about healthy food while earning a paycheck through the Junior Farm Crew (through YEAH! Youth Exploring Agriculture & Health)
  • Over 800 youth were able to taste their first tomato off the vine and learn about worms and healthy soil (through YEAH! Field trips)
  • More families were able to buy fresh locally-grown food for their weekly groceries at the Ferguson Farmers Market through our partnership with the Fair Food Network to accept and double the value of SNAP benefits
  • The Harvest House was raised and in 2017 will be outfitted with walk-in coolers, wash stations, and weatherized
  • Over 565 pounds of produce was donated to Cooking Matters Classes to teach low-income people how to incorporate fresh food into their diets
  • EarthDance conducted a Community Food Assessment of Ferguson this year, to better understand our community’s food needs and assets, and learn how we can make Ferguson a better place to eat!


Do you want evidence of positive change? Look no further than the 14 acre farm in Ferguson where all of this and more is taking root.

Do you want to nurture our growth? We are truly grateful for gifts of any size.

Wishing you and yours a blessed, restful, and nourishing winter.

Rooted in Ferguson,
